Would you rather use a DIY hardwood floor cleaner? 这些清洁木地板的天然解决方案使其在不造成任何损害的情况下保持美观.

你可能已经在你的硬木地板上投入了大量的时间和金钱——不管你是买了一个原来的硬木地板的房子还是自己加的. 当有东西溅到或弄脏你的木地板时,感觉就像一场灾难. 不要失去希望:你可以使用自制的木地板清洁剂来解决这个问题,让你的地板保持最佳状态. 

因为商业清洁剂通常价格昂贵,并且含有可能导致严重过敏反应的刺激性化学物质, 一个更便宜、更安全的选择是自己动手做地板清洁剂. 许多房主更喜欢使用家里已有的物品,而不是花时间和金钱购买专门的清洁产品. 


1. Water and Vinegar

许多人认为白醋是最好的自制木地板清洁剂. 用水稀释后,你可以用它来清洁房子的几乎每个房间. 用清水和醋清洁木地板,步骤如下: 

  • Mix one part vinegar with three parts water. 
  • Before cleaning your floors, 确保你首先在一个不显眼的地方测试溶液,因为醋会使某些类型的硬木地板表面变暗. 
  • Once you’re confident that the solution is safe for the surface, you can use it to mop, clean, and shine your hardwood floors. 

2. Water, Vinegar, and Essential Oils

Since you may find the smell of white vinegar unappealing, try adding a few drops of essential oil to the solution. Lavender, rose, cedarwood, 柠檬精油都是很好的精油,可以用来清洁你的木地板,让你的家充满可爱的香气. 

3. Water, Vinegar, and Dish Detergent

洗洁精可以作为一种DIY的硬木地板清洁剂来去除油, dirt, and dust from your floors. 使用同样的水和白醋混合物,但加入几滴洗洁精,以获得更强的清洁效果.

4. Water, Vinegar, and Plant-Based Liquid Soap

Similarly, for a vigorous hardwood floor cleaner solution, 将一份植物性液体肥皂和一份白醋与十份水混合. The liquid soap will break apart any stubborn dirt and grime. 你也可以在溶液中加入精油,让它散发出清新干净的香味. 

5. Vinegar and Vegetable Oil

Although it might sound like a recipe for salad dressing, 醋和植物油可以作为天然的硬木地板清洁剂. 在喷雾瓶中混合一份白醋和一份植物油, shake vigorously, and apply to your floors. 这种解决方案最适合那些担心在某些硬木地板表面使用水的人. 

6. Lemon Juice, Vinegar, Olive Oil, and Water

这又是一种听起来很美味的解决方案,这种混合物会让你的地板闪闪发光. To clean your floors with this DIY mixture, combine equal parts olive oil and white vinegar, a few teaspoons of lemon juice, and five parts hot water. Dip your mop or rag into the solution, wring gently, 然后用这款自制的地板清洁剂擦拭硬木地板.

7. Black Tea

你可能会惊讶地发现,茶是一种极好的天然木地板清洁剂. 几个世纪以来,红茶一直被用来清洁和抛光硬木地板,因为它可以去除污垢和灰尘,增加额外的光泽. 红茶中的单宁酸和涩味可以使你的硬木地板焕然一新——不需要水壶. 

To use tea to clean your hardwood floors, boil a pot of water with at least three tea bags, then let it steep for fifteen minutes. 凉了之后,用茶水拖地,让空气风干. 

请记住,这是一个伟大的技术对硬木地板,但你不应该使用它对某些木材饰面, such as laminate.

Continuing Care for Your Wood Floors

无论您选择哪种DIY木地板清洁剂, 重要的是,你要花时间好好保养你的木地板,这样它们才能常年保持良好的外观和感觉. 

定期扫地和吸尘,确保任何表面碎片在刮伤地板之前被清除. 使用干燥的拖把或超细纤维垫来清除污垢也是一个好主意, dust, and dander at least once a week. 

  • You can help stop dirt buildup before it becomes a problem by placing mats at entryways to remind your family and guests to wipe their feet; you can also place area rugs and runners strategically in places with a lot of foot traffic. 在室内实施不穿鞋政策有助于防止灰尘进入室内. 
  • If you notice any spills or stains on your hardwood floors, make sure to clean them up immediately, before they have the chance to soak deep into the floors. 
  • 不要让水或任何其他液体——包括bet3365标准版列出的自制木地板清洁剂——长时间停留在木地板表面. 在液体有机会渗透并弄脏地板之前,将其擦拭干净. 
  • To prevent floor scratches, 把宠物的指甲修剪整齐,把家具放在垫子或地毯上是个好主意. 
  • If you do any construction in your home, 一定要用透气的地板保护器保护你的硬木地板. Learn more about hardwood floor costs and how to decide which type of new floor works best in your home.

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